"First Church Tosa"
Tech Task Force Projects, Planning, and Support (02-Jan-2020)
2018 Sound System Upgrade
Audio and Video Recording Procedures Procedure to perform church event recording using new system. Added: 17-Apr-2019
Audio and Video Note Form to be used during the events This is to be used to document weekly experiences that caused system changes during the event. The data would be used to tune the system for better operations. Added: 17-Apr-2019
Symetrix SOLUS-NX-DSP Sound Controller: Overview of Sound System Controller installed. Added: Dec-2018
Symetrix Composer Control Protocol Overview of Symetrix Composer Control Protocols. Added: 04-Nov-2018
DENON DN-300CMKII User Guide Overview of DENON DN-300CMKII CD MediaPlayer User Guide. Added: 18-Oct-2018
DENON DN700R User Manual Overview of DENON DN700R SD/USB Audio Recorder Owner's Manual. Added: 18-Oct-2018
2019 HDMI Video Recording/Transmission System Added 2-Jan-2020
HDMI sub-system Diagram Components and interconnections of HDMI components located under desk in balcony. Added: 22-Jan-2019
ER130 recorder Setup procedure AverMedia EzRecorder 130 Video recorder setup procedure and internal settings. Added: 06-Feb-2019
HDMI sub-system Operating Procedure HDMI Video System Operating Procedure. Added: 05-Feb-2019
Samsung Camera Setup Procedure Samsung SCB-6000 Camera setup procedure and internal settings. Added: 06-Feb-2019
Samsung Camera Technical Manual Samsung SCB-6000 Camera Manual. Added: 07-Dec-2017
Samsung SLA-550A Camera Lens Spec Sheet Samsung SLA-550A Camera Lens Spec Sheet. Added: 30-Oct-2018
AverMedia EzRecorder 130 User Manual AverMedia EzRecorder 130 User Manual. Added: 17-Jan-2019
EYOYO12B Video Monitor User Manual 12 inch Video Monitor User Manual. Added: 30-Oct-2018
FUTURE HDMI sub-system Diagram Planned upgrade to HDMI sub-system (NEEDS CORRECTIONS). Added: 22-Jul-2019
2019 ARLO Video Surveillance System (On Loan From Ed Probst)
ARLO Ultra Family Datasheet Overview of ARLO Ultra Family Datsheet. Added: 05-Dec-2019
ARLO Ultra Accessory Datasheet Overview of ARLO Ultra Accessory Datsheet. Added: 05-Dec-2019
ARLO Ultra Device Installguide Overview of ARLO Ultra Device Install Guide. Added: 05-Dec-2019
ARLO Ultra System Installguide Overview of ARLO Ultra System Install Guide. Added: 05-Dec-2019
ARLO Ultra User Manual Overview of ARLO Ultra User Manual. Added: 05-Dec-2019
HISTORICAL References: Retired CANON VIXIA R20 Camcorder (Stored in Archive Room at FCC)
CANON Product line Brochure: Overview of CANON products that could be used. Added: 14-Sept-2011
CANON VIXIA R20 CamCorder User Manual: Proposed Video Camera for Sunday Service recording to DVD. Added: 14-Sept-2011
HISTORICAL References: Retired background information on WiFi installation history circa 2007
WiFi using Ruckus Unleashed Product Proposed Wi-Fi upgrade to resolve current wi-Fi issues. Added: 1-Dec-2016
WiFi Zoning Proposal 3: Proposed 2008 expense report for Network Security and Phase 1 WiFi connectivity. Updated: 8-Mar-2008
Security Summary Editted for 6-Mar-2008 Meeting: Security plan summarizing the needs and opportunities. Updated: 6-Mar-2008
WiFi Zoning Proposal 2: Phased proposal for WiFi connectivity in the church due to budget constraints. Updated: 31-Oct-2007
WiFi Zoning Proposal: A proposal for installing WiFi connectivity in the church to benefit future and current program offerings and education. Updated: 14-Oct-2007
Ruckus Smart Antennas May Be Key to Nationwide Wi-Fi Wired Magazine article. Updated: 1-Dec-2010
ZoneDirector 1000: Proposed authentication signon controller for WiFi proposal.
ZoneFlex 2942 AP: Proposed 802.llb/g access point router for WiFi proposal.
ZoneFlex 2925 AP: Alternative 802.11b/g access point router for WiFi proposal.
ZoneFlex Lite Mesh Gateway: Zone Lite-mesh interconnect to expand the WiFi coverage area.
Dynamic PSK: Dynamic Pre-Shared Key (PSK) provides robust and secure wireless access.
ZoneFlex FAQ: Technology FAQ for WiFi proposal.
2008 Update to proposals for newer Access Point equipment
ZoneFlex 7942 AP: 802.11b/g/n access point router for WiFi proposal.
ZoneFlex 2925 Lite Mesh Gateway: Provides for signal extension rather than installing wired Internet cabling.
RuckusWireless: Proposed Vendor of the Small Business Manage Network Hardware.
ZoneFlex Review by techWorld: Describes the ZoneDirector operations and ease of installation.
Wireless Security (MS focus): TechRepublic's ultimate guide to enterprise wireless LAN security
Internet wiring within the church building.
Internet wiring within the church building Internet wiring within the church building. 3-Dec-2007
Support documents for the primary HP 2524 central network switch in church Office.
HP 2524 Pro-Switch Mgmt & Config Guide: for primary 24 port network switch in church Office. March 2001
HP 2524 Command Line Interface Guide: for primary 24 port network switch in church Office. March 2001
HP 2524 Release Notes: for primary 24 port network switch in church Office. March 2001
HP 2524 Install & Startup Guide: for primary 24 port network switch in church Office. March 2001
HP 2524 Software Features Matrix: for primary 24 port network switch in church Office. March 2001
Juniper NetScan 5GT Plus 10 User Firewall Unit
Juniper Networks NetScreen-5GT User Guide church firewall hardware unit.
Juniper Networks NetScreen-5GT C and E Concepts & Examples ScreenOS Reference Guide: All volumes combined.
Juniper Networks NetScreen-5GT Datasheet church firewall hardware unit.
Juniper Networks Layered Security Solution Re-establishing the Trusted Network - June 2004
The Evolution of Network Security From DMZ Designs to Devices.
Juniper’s VPN Administration Guide Punching a secure hole in the Firewall
Juniper’s VPN Installation Guide Installing a secure hole in the Firewall
Juniper’s Deep Inspection Firewall Making Application-Level Attack Protection Pervasive
The Need for Pervasive Application-Level Attack Protection How Deep Inspection Technology Meets the Requirements for Network and Application Attack Protection
High Availability Solutions and Technology for Juniper’s Security Systems A White Paper
Dynamic VPNs Achieving Scalable, Secure Site-to-Site Connectivity How to cost-effectively replace WAN connections with a more reliable communication infrastructure
HISTORICAL References: Video Projection System
Video Projector: ViewSonic PJ350 video Projector User Guide.
HISTORICAL References: 2005 Sound System Improvements
Through a contribution in memory of Mark David Hedrick, the sound system in the Nave is being brought into the 21st century and better equipped to record and present vocal and Sunday services in digital format.
The old recording equipment that did prepare Cassette Audio and VHS Video tape recording is being removed and new CD-R and DVD-R recording equipment is being installed. In addition, two microphones are being installed just to the west of the western chandeliers. These two microphones are high quality AKG CK-47 shotgun microphones specifically aimed to pick up music presentations performed out on the front riser area in front of the Lectern and Pulpit.
Below, you can find instruction information and Equipment documentation for the system components.
FCC Tosa Recording Procedure
FCC Tosa Duplication Plan
JVC DR-MV1S Operating Manual for DVD recording
Murantz CDR-510 Operating Manual for CDR recording
Telex Spinwise 1 to 1 Operating Manual for media duplication
Telex Spinwise User Manual for media duplication